What exactly does a travel consultancy service offer, and how is it different from a travel agency?

We differ slightly from a Travel Agency as you’re not locked into booking your flights and hotels with us. Our service fees go towards the planning of your itinerary, and the booking of the flights and hotels for that itinerary is a completely separate matter. When it comes to making final bookings, we have a couple of options, and you can opt for whichever method will get you the best price, or whichever is most convenient for you. If we can offer you the best price, or you don’t want to make the bookings yourself, we can book your flights and hotels on your behalf just like a traditional travel agency at no extra fee. But if not, we can instead direct you to the places that do have the best prices for you to book yourself. Either way, you avoid paying travel agency booking fees, and you get best prices! Because our priority is ensuring you get the most out of your trip to Japan.

How can I benefit from using a travel consultancy service for my trip planning?

We’ve travelled all over Japan, and every time we travel, we further enhance our ability to plan the best Japanese Itineraries for you. Our very first trip to Japan, despite months and months of research and planning, felt rushed. We had no personal experience to pull from to garner how much time to spend in each city, where to stay within those cities to maximize our time spent there, and no concept of how long and far the travel from city to city, or attraction to attraction would realistically be. It resulted in us missing out on some amazing experiences and not doing many of the cities we visited justice. Allowing us to do the planning for you means you’ll benefit from the learnings of our past mistakes, and guarantee you’ll get the most out of you time spent in Japan.

How do I book a consultation or service with your travel consultancy?

Simply fill out the questionnaire and submit your answers to get us all the information we need to get your quote ready and start the process of planning your dream trip to Japan!

How much does your travel consultancy service cost?

Roughly $300AUD per week of travel. Prices can vary depend on the specifics of your travels,
contact us with the details of your travels for a more accurate quote.

What information do I need to provide when booking a consultation?

As much as you have. The more information you can give us, the better. Proposed travel dates, duration, budgets, who you’re travelling with, what style of travel best suits you, what your interests are… it all works towards ensuring we can put together the perfect, uniquely you itinerary.

How long does it typically take to receive a travel plan or itinerary after booking a consultation?

The first draft of your itinerary will be finished within 7 days. Should there be any changes you’d like made, or questions you might have, we’ll get to work perfecting it over the next 48 hours and then we’ll schedule a final meeting to go over your finished itinerary and make any last-minute adjustments or additions. As the final stage requires a scheduled meeting, it is dependent on both parties availability and so can vary, but typically your finalized travel plan will be ready 14 days past the receipt of deposit.

Can I request changes to my travel plan after it's been provided? Is there a fee for modifications?

Of course! We want to ensure that your trip to Japan is perfect. So should you come across a new place or experience that you’d like to add into your itinerary, we can help you to move things around to make it fit. There is a $45AUD fee per day re-worked.

Do you offer expedited services for last-minute travel plans?

We do! if you require your itinerary sooner than the average 14-day turnaround, you can add expedited delivery for an extra $100AUD per week of travel.

What is your cancellation policy for services?

Our cancellation policy is dependent on the services booked. Please refer to section 4 of our Terms of Service page for the details.

Can you assist with special travel requests, such as dietary restrictions or accessibility accommodations?

Definitely, we’ve catered travel plans for gluten free, vegetarian and vegan diets as well as personally navigated the challenges of accessibility and planning travel around the facilities required for caring for babies as young as 5 months old.

Are you familiar with specific travel destinations or regions, and do you have local insights and recommendations?

We’ve travelled Japan from top to bottom in all seasons, so we have plenty of personal experience and are able to offer insight and recommendations of both must-see tourist destinations, and off the beaten track hidden gems in many of the prefectures of Japan.

How can I reach customer support if I have questions or need assistance during my trip

We are available at dayna@japanjunket.com.au during business hours (9:00am - 5:00pm) Monday - Friday. In an emergency however, please refer to the Travel Resources provided for Japans Emergency services contact details.

What is your policy if I'm unsatisfied with the travel plan or services provided?

We take pride in delivering our services with due care and skill. If, for any reason, you are unsatisfied with the services provided, please contact us immediately. We are committed to resolving any issues to your satisfaction. Please refer to section 4d of our Terms of Service for information on remedies if you’re unsatisfied with our services.

Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients who have used your travel consultancy services?

We’re sure you’ll be over the moon with our Travel Consultancy Services, but you don’t have to just take our word for it. Check out our customer testimonials.

Are there any travel restrictions or considerations related to COVID-19, and how are you addressing them in your services?

We’re always keeping up to date with the current travel restrictions and Covid -19 safety protocols in Japan. At this time there are no travel restrictions to Japan, Those who are entering Japan on or after April 29th, 2023, are not be required to present a Valid Vaccination Certificate or a Covid-19 Negative Test. The government has also dropped its recommendation to wear masks and is now leaving it up to the individual to decide. Covid-19 has been downgraded to the same level of seasonal influenza however many people in Japan continue to wear masks in indoor situations, on public transportation and in busy city streets.

Do you offer group travel planning services for families, friends, or corporate groups?

Yes, so long as the group is travelling together, the size of the group doesn’t impact the cost of our services. If separate itineraries are needed for any point in time where the group will travel separately, a $42AUD fee will be charged per day of separate travel.

How far in advance should I book your travel consultancy services for the best planning experience?

To save yourself the expedited delivery charge, allow yourself at-least 14 days, as this is the average timeframe from payment of deposit, to finalized itinerary. However, the closer to your travel dates you book our services, the more likely it is that ticketed events you’d like to attend or venues you’d like to make a booking for might be booked out. For this reason, we recommend you book our travel consultancy services anywhere from 2 - 1 month in advance of your travel dates.

Embark on your Junket to Japan today.

Fill out our questionnaire for a no obligation quote.