Meet the driving force behind Japan Junket,

junket. noun (jun·​ket) a short trip for pleasure.

Dayna Hoskin

Dayna has Junketed her way through Japan every year she’s been able since she first stepped foot in the country in September of 2016.

The unique beauty of Japan captivated her, and she dedicated the next 7 years of her life to the study of the Japanese language and its culture. Dayna’s passion for the country and the unique experiences it has to offer inspired many of her family and friends to embark on their own journeys to Japan, and with Dayna as their guide, each grew profoundly attached to the country and its vibrant culture themselves.

Their encouragement led Dayna to create Japan Junket, a platform dedicated to sharing her unique insight and connection with Japan, with others looking to experience this beauty of Japan for themselves.

The name, the logo, and a quick Japanese lesson.

The Name: [ Junket ] means simply, to take a small trip for pleasure, one of which is often funded by someone else. In our case, knowledge and experience is the going currency.

The Logo: Inside the burning, red sun, (as depicted on Japan’s national flag) stands the iconically snowcapped Mt Fuji and a humble shrine gate.

The Lesson: Wrapped around our Mt Fuji you’ll find the Japanese character [ ], this character marks a place (Japan) in which an action (travel) is directed towards, similarly to the English word ‘to’, and because Japanese sentence structure is somewhat backwards from ours, reading our logo the ‘Japanese way’ it reads [Japan ‘to’ Junket], meaning, Junket to Japan.

Discover YOUR Japan

At Japan Junket, our mission is to help you discover the true beauty and unique essence of Japan.

We design our itineraries with meticulous care and ease of use in mind, and every service we offer is born from a place of personal experience from both our own travels and those we’ve curated for others. Because we are passionate about bringing people to Japan, and Japan to the people, we approach every step of the process with your personal preferences, travel styles and budget in mind, in order to choose the best cities, the best sites, the best restaurants, and offer you personalized travel advice, to ensure you get to experience the heart and soul of this captivating country and discover YOUR Japan.

Japan Junket aren’t just travel planners; we're your dedicated travel companions. We have the experience to ensure that your Junket to Japan is a smooth affair no-matter where you’re headed or who you’re headed there with, whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned Japan enthusiast, we promise to make every moment unforgettable.

Embark on your Junket to Japan today

  • We differ from a Travel Agency as we don’t make booking on your behalf. Instead, we send you direct links to book your hotels, experiences, restaurants, ect yourself. This means you avoid paying travel agent booking fees, and you’re able to book the best experiences at the best prices because we’re not limited to working within the bounds of our companies partnerships.

  • We’ve travelled all over Japan, and every time we travel, we further enhance our ability to plan the best Japanese Itineraries for you. Our very first trip to Japan, despite months and months of research and planning, felt rushed. We had no personal experience to pull from to garner how much time to spend in each city, where to stay within those cities to maximize our time spent there, and no concept of how long and far the travel from city to city, or attraction to attraction would realistically be. It resulted in us missing out on some amazing experiences and not doing many of the cities we visited justice. Allowing us to do the planning for you means you’ll benefit from the learnings of our past mistakes, and guarantee you’ll get the most out of you time spent in Japan.

  • Simply fill out the questionnaire and submit your answers to get us all the information we need to get your quote ready and start the process of planning your dream trip to Japan!


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