What sets our 'Travelers Japanese' apart from other beginner-level programs?

Our focus is on imparting skills crucial for travelers in Japan. We understand the urgency of acquiring practical language skills tailored specifically for travel, and unlike other beginner courses that dedicate extensive time to the multiple alphabets of the Japanese language or irrelevant vocabulary, we streamline our curriculum to deliver immediate value. Each lesson is specifically structured to maximize the progression of essential listening and speaking skills, offering 10 indispensable vocabulary words, 1 essential Kanji character, and 2 practical travel phrases per lesson, all presented with phonetic English spelling with deliberate separation of each spoken syllable to ensure not only clear pronunciation but also minimize miscommunications. Coupled with only the most essential grammar rules, by the end of this 6 week course, students will be able to construct simple yet effective sentences spontaneously in any situation.


Japanese white paper lanterns at yasaka shrine in kyoto

We strive to make Japan more accessible,
by empowering you to confidently immerse yourself in the richness of the Japanese culture.

Our self-guided Japanese Lessons are designed for you to do at your own pace, whenever suits you, as many times as you’d like. You’ll be guided through the course work by a series of voice clips, and handy romaji (phonetical spelling of Japanese words), and I’ll be on hand every step of the way to answer any questions that may arise during your studies.

The course is specifically designed to prioritize Japanese words and phrases that you’ll ACTUALLY use during in your travels, you don’t need to know how to tell someone they’re a “cool lawyer”, (well, I hope not), but “where is the toilet?”, now THAT might come in handy, and is presented is a way that’s fun, immersive, and scientifically proven to aid in committing new vocabulary to memory swiftly.

Vocabulary and Phrases

We've done our research and utilized only the most efficient methods to aid in committing new vocabulary to memory in our lessons plans. Our vocabulary lists focus on teaching the fundamental vocabulary necessary for constructing simple yet impactful sentences for navigating common scenes and scenarios that you’ll come across as a tourist, enhancing your ability to navigate Japan with ease.


Our grammar lessons are designed to empower students in constructing sentences past just set travel phrases for simple but effective communication in any situation.

Students will learn sentence structure, gain proficiency in the use of nouns and learn to harness the expressive power of adjectives, fostering confidence in real-life interactions.

Don’t let the language barrier hold you back.

Meet your Teacher

Dayna Hoskin

With 7 years of study behind her, Dayna has a deep-seated passion for Japanese culture and language, and specializes in teaching Japanese to beginners, with her teachings specifically tailored towards tourists eager to enhance their journeys.

With Dayna's guidance, you'll embark on a language-learning adventure designed to equip you with the essential phrases, cultural insights, and practical communication skills needed for a seamless and enriching exploration of Japan.

Andy W.

Dayna taught the words, phrases and grammar in an easily digestible manner with a clear sense of progression.

Make the language barrier a little less of a barrier.


  • "Travelers Japanese" is an online course designed for beginners who want to learn essential Japanese phrases and communication skills to enhance their travel experience in Japan.

  • The course is designed to be completed at your own pace. On average, it can take 4-6 weeks to cover all the material, but you can go faster or slower, depending on your availability.

  • No prior knowledge of Japanese is required. This course is suitable for absolute beginners.

  • While the course is primarily self-guided, you can get support via email for any questions you may have.

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